Alumni Talks: Emotional Salary

The key to employee loyalty

In the OBS Business School Alumni Talks we talk about different current topics where our alumni are the protagonists, they give their opinions and contribute their experiences throughout their professional career.

In this talk we talk about how the priorities of employees are changing and increasingly have more weight benefits that are linked to emotional well-being, which allows companies to achieve greater loyalty of their workers. Do not miss this Alumni Talk that is the order of the day!


-Narda Ximena Delgado, Regional Manager Top Management an Odgers Partners Company. Master in Management and Leadership Coaching. Alumni Colombia.

-Francisco Javier Huerta López, Technical Account Manager at Google. Master in Online Marketing and E-Commerce. Alumni Mexico.


-Gemma Segura, Director of the Master in Neuromarketing at OBS Business School, consultant, trainer, executive coach and mindfulness trainer.